Our goal? To ensure that you are completely satisfied by your experience with us.
The health and well-being of your pet is what drives us; we are constantly seeking ways to improve the products we offer, the service you receive from our team, the fulfillment of your order, and your overall shopping experience with us. Hearing about how our supplements have helped improve the quality of your pet's life, and yours as a result, is our ultimate goal and makes our day!
If your expectations are not met, we want to hear about it.
Please do not hesitate to reach out to us in order to make us aware of how we may best serve you. To show our appreciation to you for sharing your feedback and helping us to improve, we will refund your order in full. This offer extends to all orders placed on PetWellbeing.com, and is not subject to any difficult processes or hidden clauses. Simply let our team know, and we will be happy to assist you with this.
If you have a concern related to not receiving your order, we kindly request that you contact us right away; we want to ensure that you receive what you need, as quickly as possible.
Should you already feel that we are doing an excellent job of supporting you and your pet on their wellness journey, we would appreciate you leaving us a review here.
We are passionate about what we do, and hope that our love of animal health is abundantly clear to you and your loved ones. Thank you for shopping with us, we look forward to hearing your thoughts!
If you have an item you are unhappy with, please allow us to assist you further by contacting us directly:
Toll Free: 1-877-633-2401
Email: customerservice@petwellbeing.com