Healthy Gums - for Dog Periodontal Health


Healthy Gums - for Dog Periodontal Health


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Provides foundational oral support that helps maintain the health behind your pet’s smile!

Daily oral care encourages:

  • Effective support against oral issues
  • Less plaque build up
  • Fresher breath
  • Healthy gums
  • Helps discourage issues that can arise from gum inflammation

Enhance your pet’s oral health and bring unbeatable freshness to their life with Healthy Gums!

  • 2 oz (59 ml) is a 2-3 month supply for most dogs
  • 4 oz (118 ml) is a 4-6 month supply for most dogs
  • Manufactured in the USA with globally sourced ingredients
  • Five-Star Experience of it's FREE

?What should you expect with our products?


What is Healthy Gums?

Healthy Gums, expertly crafted by a holistic veterinarian, is a dynamic blend of supportive herbs and essential nutrients like coenzyme Q10, vitamin C, and zinc that promote optimal oral health. This product adopts a gentle approach, free from alcohol or harsh ingredients that may cause gum irritation.

In a base of medium-chain triglyceride (MCT) oil, which comes from coconuts and stays liquid at room temperature, MCT oil helps build foundational skin tissue health by delivering nutrients, supporting natural immunity, and reinforcing skin barrier integrity.

What is Healthy Gums used for?

As our canine companions age, it’s vital to prioritize their gum health, especially after they turn 2 years old. Several factors influence oral health, and they become more important as your pet ages. Be mindful of your pet's diet, treats, and anything they love to chew on.

Both early and advanced stages of gingivitis can be reversed. Bad breath is often the first sign, caused by bacteria buildup between the teeth and gums. You may also notice red, inflamed, and sore gums, which may bleed and produce pus when touched. If your dog shows these symptoms, it's crucial to promptly treat and reverse the issue.

If left untreated, periodontitis may occur, a condition that causes tissue inflammation around the teeth, progressing to further infection and eventually tooth loss. This infection can spread throughout the body if not addressed.

Healthy Gums is designed to:

  • Soothe gums and oral membranes
  • Reduce bacterial growth in the mouth

You can use Healthy Gums at any stage of gum or oral irritation. As a preventative measure, use Healthy Gums periodically to keep the oral environment balanced and bacterial growth at bay.

Please consult with your veterinarian for a complete oral health program if your pet shows signs of canine gum inflammation or disease.

The role of nutrition:

Information about kibble cleaning dogs' teeth can be misleading, as it would be similar to someone having a cracker-based diet to clean their teeth. To support your furry friend’s oral health and help remove build-up, consider giving them nature’s best natural toothbrush—raw bones. Many experts encourage a raw meat diet as being most suitable for optimal oral hygiene.

And you can order these bones from your local butcher! We recommend freezing them to avoid contamination and having your pup enjoy their healthy treat outside—it can get a little messy. Remove the bone after several hours of gnawing and tail wagging, and make sure your dog never eats raw meat that sits at room temperature long enough to spoil.

A note from our veterinarian:

If your dog's mouth hurts, they'll struggle to eat, potentially leading to weight loss and behavior changes. Dental problems can sneak up because dogs don't always show obvious signs of discomfort until issues are advanced. If your dog eats less, becomes withdrawn, or loses weight unexpectedly, it could be due to painful chewing. Gum inflammation is painful, so preventing its progression is crucial for your pet's overall wellbeing and avoiding future discomfort. Learning about your pet's specific oral hygiene needs will result in a healthier, happier companion.

Additionally, oral hygiene is important to prioritize because of all the sweet “kisses” we receive from our furry friends.

The following signs may suggest your pet has oral issues:

  • Avoiding kibble or hard food
  • Reluctance to eat
  • Bad-smelling breath
  • Hard, brown build-up on the teeth
  • Unusual irritability or aggression

Take a moment to check your dog's teeth at home. Look for swollen or red gums, noticeable tartar build-up on teeth, and any missing or loose teeth. A strong odor in their mouth is an unmistakable sign of oral health issues. Talk to your veterinarian if you spot any of these signs so you can work together on a plan to support your pet. Healthy Gums is a great addition to your pet's oral care routine and may offer comfort. If the condition is severe, your dog will need extra support from your vet.

Why choose Healthy Gums for your canine companion?

  • Organic, Sustainably Cultivated, and/or Wild-Harvested Herbs: Our formulas are prepared with premium botanicals, ensuring the highest standards of quality and environmental responsibility.
  • Full-Spectrum Extract: Our extracts retain the complete range of beneficial herbal compounds to provide maximum potency.
  • Third-Party Tested: Every herb and batch of our Healthy Gums is third-party tested to ensure purity and highest quality.
  • FDA-Registered, GMP-Certified Facility: Our manufacturing facility is FDA-registered and rigorously adheres to Good Manufacturing Practices. Strict quality control procedures are meticulously monitored.
  • FDA Center for Veterinary Medicine: Pet Wellbeing complies with the CVM's good guidance practices for animal health supplements.
  • 5-Star Experience or it’s FREE: In addition to the superior quality of our products, you’re covered by our Five-Star Experience or it’s FREE Guarantee.

Crafted with care by Pet Wellbeing

Founded in 2001, Pet Wellbeing created Healthy Gums to bring the wisdom and care of our animal-loving experts to your pet. Our dedicated team of holistic veterinarians combines traditional herbal knowledge with the latest scientific research to design the best products for your beloved companion and support them well into their golden years. When your pet thrives, you thrive too.

Apply Healthy Gums twice daily:

Amount per application (approximate):

  • Under 10 lb:  3-4 drops
  • 11 lb - 40 lb:  5-7 drops
  • Over 40 lbs:  8-10 drops

Using dropper, apply product directly onto gums. Use only enough to sufficiently coat the gums. Avoid touching the dropper directly to the gums to prevent contamination of the product.

You may find it useful to apply gently with fingertip or cotton swab if the gums are not excessively inflamed. Be mindful not to cause added discomfort during application as infected or inflamed gums can be extremely sensitive.

Shake well before use. Does not require refrigeration.


  • If animal's condition worsens or does not improve, stop product administration and consult your veterinarian.
  • Not to be used during pregnancy or nursing.
  • Absorption of drugs may be delayed if taken at the same time.
  • Use with caution in cardiac or kidney conditions or if taking steroids. Excessive use may contribute to water retention or hypertension.
  • An examination from a veterinarian is recommended prior to using this product.

Healthy Gums is formulated with:

  • Calendula flower (Calendula officinalis): The yellow-orange petals of Calendula flowers have shown notable antimicrobial and natural antiseptic-like properties. Used to support normal healing of the skin, Calendula also soothes inflamed skin and has been used for gingivitis.
  • Marshmallow root (Althea officinale): Marshmallow root is high in mucilage which soothes and protects the delicate tissues of the mouth and gums.
  • Goldenseal root (Hydrastis canadensis): Goldenseal has been shown to have powerful, natural antimicrobial properties and is especially beneficial for conditions involving the mucous membranes.
  • Bayberry root bark (Myrica cerifera): Bayberry is one of the best herbal astringents, meaning that it tones and tightens mucous membranes. It works particularly well for treating the lining of the alimentary canal (which includes the tissues inside the mouth and the gums) and also has a mild antibacterial property.
  • Baikal Skullcap (Scutellaria baicalensis): Baikal Skullcap is high in flavonoids and has natural antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. It is used in oral preparations to help reduce inflammation of the membranes inside the mouth.
  • Licorice root (Glycyrrhiza glabra): Also called "sweet root" and the "universal herb," Licorice demonstrates natural antimicrobial properties. It also has a mild demulcent quality and a natural sweetness.
  • Prickly Ash bark (Zanthoxylum americanum): Used in Native American medicine, the bark of this tree has been called "toothache bark" and possesses astringent qualities.
  • Coptis root (Coptis chinensis): High in berberine, Coptis has similar properties to Goldenseal. It has particular application with ulceration of mucous membranes.
  • Myrrh gum (Commiphora mol-mol): One of the most well-known herbal antiseptics, Myrrh has antimicrobial and astringent qualities that make it ideal for oral health.

... 183 mg per ml

  • Coenzyme Q10: 30 mg/ml
  • Vitamin C (Ascorbyl palmitate): 10 mg/ml
  • Zinc oxide: 0.75 mg/ml

Inactive Ingredients: Medium chain triglyceride (MCT) oil.