Loving parents of a beloved dog, wheaten terrier, share the following touching story of Sheldon overcoming canine kidney disease and spending two more quality years together; incase you need some encouragement when the Vet only gives your four-legged friends only a few weeks to live...
"Sheldon came into our lives on August 17, 2003. Everyone knew Sheldon. He was such a loving little boy and was just happy to be loved by our whole family. Sheldon always had a sensitive stomach and was on a strict diet of prescription dog food and dog treats.
Sheldon became very sick in July 2013 and was diagnosed with stage 3 kidney disease. Even with all the new medications that were prescribed and the fluids he was receiving every single day, the doctors only gave him two weeks to live. Our family was beyond devastation...
My husband searched the internet and found Pet Wellbeing and the Kidney Support Gold Medicine. We had nothing to lose and would try anything at this point to help our Sheldon.
We started giving Sheldon Kidney Support Gold twice a day as instructed and started to see improvement almost immediately.
Of course we continued with the daily injection of fluids at the vet, and our baby boy never even cried. He was just always so happy to see the staff and he made their day too. I wrote a couple of reviews during this period so other pet parents would learn of this miracle drug. Our baby boy lost his battle on February 7, 2016, two weeks short of his 12 1/2 birthday.
We got an extra 2 1/2 years more than expected, but this was not nearly enough. We miss him so much and everything reminds us of him. Our Sheldon was one in a million. Thank you for everything."
Kidney Support Gold
- Energy levels
- Urination and thirst (hydration)
- Appetite and weight
- General vitality
- Immune support
Order Kidney Support Gold today and help your dog maintain a normal quality of life with healthier kidneys!
- 90 Day money-back guarantee
- 1 bottle is a 1 month supply for most dogs