Keeping Your Pet in Peak Health: Pet Wellbeing's Dr. Jan on Ep. 70 of Sup, Babe? Podcast

Keeping Your Pet in Peak Health: Pet Wellbeing's Dr. Jan on Ep. 70 of Sup, Babe? Podcast

Listen to our own Dr. Jan speaking on the Sup, Babe? Podcast explaining her inspiring back story and the best ways to optimize your pet's health through holistic means. Learn more about our favorite expert behind Pet Wellbeing!


"If you are a dog or cat mom, you know that those little fur babies mean everything (no matter how many times they pee on your new carpet) and that you would do anything to give them a happier, healthier life.

This week we sat down with Pet Wellbeing’s Chief Vet Dr. Jan Huntingford about how natural supplements can not only support but optimize our pet’s health. Dr. Jan spills all her holistic treatment secrets that will keep you and your fur baby thriving."