Eddie is a lovable 10 year old grown up puppy! Ever since he was rescued, he keeps a big smile on his adorable face, enjoying the little things in life without a care in the world. He’s come a long way from his struggle with immobility and arthritis, but it wasn’t an easy road. Eddie found his legs again with the help of some special herbal products.
When Eddie first came home, he was overweight and could barely walk or run. His loving family knew that he deserved a better and healthier life. As life returned to this golden boy, they quickly learned that his favorite things are stuffed toys, endless attention, and anything that even looks like food! Sadly, they also soon learned that he is an exceptional pup because of his ability to hide sickness and pain.
A few years later Eddie started limping again. It got to the point where he couldn't walk long distances and one of his legs would always be shaking. It was clear that something serious was going on. That's when the devastating diagnosis came: poor Eddie had severe arthritis and bone cancer.
Eddie saw up to four different vets and they all told his family that he had 2 to 6 months to live. They refused to believe it and refused to give up on their furbaby. At this point, his family wanted to try every option available to help their poor pup get his quality of life back. Not long after, a dear friend recommended Pet Wellbeing products and quickly Eddie started taking Agile Joints and Life Gold.
What a change! After a mix of healthy diet, medication, and Pet Wellbeing products working together, he now runs, jumps, and plays all the time. In fact, he is even better than before. After a year and a half his cancer hasn’t spread and his severe arthritis is actually under control. He has a lot more energy, he runs, he plays, he walks without limping or shaking, and he is healthier and overall happier.